5 Reasons Why You Need To Wear A Surf Hat

5 Reasons Why You Need To Wear A Surf Hat

Once seen as something only nerds and surf dads would don, surf hats are becoming more mainstream as people become more conscious about their sun exposure. Here are our top 5 reasons you should start wearing a surf hat in when you're surfing, fishing, kayaking or just lazing about in the sun. 

Paired with appropriate hydration, sunscreen and clothing wearing a surf hat can help you stay out in the sun longer.

Best part? You'll never lose your El Dingo surf hat duck diving, falling, or just horsing around thanks to our specialised surf hat with chin strap design. 

1. Wearing a surf hat prevents unwanted wrinkles

Wrinkles can be caused by repeated muscle movements. Our skin forms grooves when we frequently squint and eventually this can form permanent wrinkles, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. As a result, the more you squint the deeper your wrinkles will become. The same goes for furrowing your brow – which is nearly unavoidable when out in the bright harsh sun. 

So make sure you go out and get the best surf hat. Not only to help prevent sunburns, but to prevent unnecessary squinting! 

2. Wearing a surf hat can help prevent skin cancer 

We wrote about how getting just 5 sunburns increases your chances of getting cancer. You can protect yourself from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays with a well-designed hat. According to Iowa State University, wearing an appropriate hat reduces your risk of developing disfiguring skin cancer. It's important not to forget to shop for a surf hat with neck cover. It's easy to forget to cover your neck, especially when it's hot. Our surf hats with legionnaire neck flaps are perfect for additional coverage, without any additional heat. 

Plus, according to one of our customers – our surf hats with removable neck flaps act as a speed barometer when you're on a wave. The faster you're going, the more our flaps get flapping. 

3. Surf hats cut the glare in early morning or late afternoon sessions

Reduce squinting and protect your eyes with the shade from a wide brim surf hat. A bucket surf hat is the perfect way to shield your eyes from that harsh overhead sun – leaving you with better vision for spotting and catching waves.

4. Surfing has gotten too serious

We're on a mission to make surfing fun again. Since when did the sport meant to help people chill out, become such a competition and game of haters and hatred? You don't have to wear all black to fit in. Try one of our retro surf hats instead. Let's celebrate the kooks and have a bit of fun, hey? Life is too serious otherwise. Our Byron Bay hats are rooted in the culture of the town we reign from. It's free-spirited, fun, colourful and expressive. So cheer up, chill out and slow down. (Well, more so the spirit of Byron Bay before the rangeys invaded and ruined paradise, but more on that later.)

5. Surf hats can help prevent sunstroke

Learn how to avoid heat exhaustion and sunstroke from the professionals here. We're not medical professionals, nor are we pretending to be. 

However, wearing loose clothing and accessories, like surf hats, that protect yourself from the sun can help prevent sunstroke. 

Avoiding alcohol is also key to avoiding sunstroke. But sometimes you just need a few Bintangs – we've been there. We're not condoning drinking, do not get us wrong. But when you're out in the sun all day, shirtless on your scooter riding through the hills of Bali or Lombok and you need to cool down. Pro tip: duck your El Dingo surf hat under some water, put it on your head, and soak up the refreshing coolness while you sip away on a bevvy. 

Seriously, it might help. 


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