Creative Mates: Sam MacDonald

Creative Mates: Sam MacDonald

We're stoked to present you with our new Creative Mates series, where we get a quickie in with our most inspiring mates. This week we're on the line with Sam MacDonald, aka Macka, sometimes known as Big Jon.

He's an absolute legend and true jack of all trades, but his main profession is photographer. He captures the gritty, raw, real and beautiful moments of life including; cars, music, and fashion. 

When he isn't behind the lens you can find him elbow deep in an engine bay or getting the dog off his nearest rock-shelf.

Learn more about the legend himself below...


Introducing El Dingo's Creative Mates, Sam MacDonald Australian Photographer 


Sam MacDonald




El Dingo Creative Mates: Sam MacDonald


Peep his work here




Main passions & hobbies:

Cars, Surfing, Fishing



Best surf trip?

One summer I went down to Aussie pipe, I had been my friends birthday the night before and we were all a bit worse for wear. We managed to drag ourselves down there for a late afternoon session that carried into the very last light. Definitely one for the history books



Who inspires you in the water?

Generally I look for the person having the most fun or being ridiculous in a water and draw my energy off them. Surfing is not a serious sport and it should be treated as such.


Sam MacDonald photo of Wrench

Sam MacDonald Photo of Hammer


Who inspires you out of the water? 

People that build things, I love a tangible object. It's so nice to see and feel something that can be around for many years to come. Especially when you work in an industry where everything you create is strictly digital


Rally Car Photography by Sam MacDonald


What type of board are you riding?

Strictly high performance, straight from china and straight off the rack 


Best thing about surfing?

Not worrying about life on land
Car Photography by Sam MacDonald | El Dingo Creative Mates


Worst thing about surfing?


Favourite surf break:

Don't ask, Don’t tell


Car Photography by Sam MacDonald | El Dingo Creative Mates

How do you keep your inner child stoked?

Go surfing with my friends who haven’t grown up yet


What do you see too much of on social media?

Those stupid reels where people ask what someone does for a living that are horribly staged  


Car Photography by Sam MacDonald | El Dingo Creative Mates


What do you see not enough of on social media?

My friends art 


Best post-surf beverage / food (hot or cold)?

Black Coffee, Meat Pie


Future surf trip dream destination?



Car Photography by Sam MacDonald | El Dingo Creative Mates


Do you think surfing impacts your creative practice?

Unfortunately for me surfing is a huge hindrance on my creativity. I always get a huge dopamine hit when I’m being truly creative and finishing projects. If I surf I also get that dopamine hit so I don’t have to chase it when I get home. There is a direct correlation between the amount of barrels I get and my productivity.


What are you listening to right now?

Tenement Yard - Jacob Miller


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